JavaScript Best Practices: Tips and Tricks for Writing Clean Code

JavaScript is used by millions of developers worldwide and is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. In the world of web development, JavaScript is essential, and it is used for creating dynamic web pages, interactive web applications, and even game development.

But with great power comes great responsibility, and we developers need to make sure that our code is clean, readable, and maintainable. This is where JavaScript best practices come in. In this article, we will cover some tips and tricks for writing clean JavaScript code that will help you to become a better developer and improve the quality of your code.

Use Strict Mode

Strict mode is a way to introduce more checks into your JavaScript code, which helps you to avoid some of the common mistakes that developers make. It also helps to make your code more secure and improves its overall quality.

Enabling strict mode is quite simple. All you need to do is add the following line of code at the beginning of your JavaScript file or function:

'use strict';

That's it. With this one line of code, you can unlock the additional power of strict mode, which includes things like preventing the use of undeclared variables, disabling some of the confusing features of JavaScript, and providing better error messages.

Use Descriptive Names

One of the most important things you can do to make your code more readable and maintainable is to use descriptive names for your variables, functions, and classes. The names you choose should be meaningful and convey the purpose of the code.

For example, if you are writing a function that generates a random number, you could name it generateRandomNumber(). This name clearly describes what the function does, and anyone reading the code will be able to understand its purpose at a glance.

On the other hand, if you named the function foo(), it would be much harder for someone else to understand what it does without reading the code itself.

// Bad Example: 
function foo() {
  // some code here

// Good Example:
function generateRandomNumber() {
  // some code here

Similarly, when defining variables, you should choose a name that makes it clear what the variable is used for. For example, if you have a variable that stores a user's name, you should name it userName.

Using descriptive names not only makes your code more readable but also makes it easier to maintain since it's easier to understand function and variable purpose.

Use Constants for Fixed Values

When you have a value that doesn't change throughout your code, you should use a constant instead of a variable. Constants are variables whose values don't change after being set, and they help to make your code more robust and bug-free.

In JavaScript, you can create constants using the const keyword. For example:

// Define PI as a constant
const PI = 3.14159;

By creating a constant variable for the PI value, we can avoid reassigning PI and throwing errors in the code. In addition, constants help in improving your code's readability by making it clear that the value should not be modified.

Use Arrow Functions

Arrow functions are a new feature introduced in ES6, and they offer a more concise and expressive way to define functions in JavaScript.

The syntax for arrow functions is straightforward. You can use the arrow (=>) to replace the function keyword:

// Old Way
function double(x) { 
  return x * 2;

// Arrow function
const double = (x) => x * 2;

Arrow functions make your code more concise, and it results in considerable performance improvements. Also, arrow functions do not bind any this variable, which is a common source of confusion and errors in regular functions.

Avoid Global Variables

In JavaScript, global variables are notoriously tough to manage and can cause numerous bugs and issues. In the worst-case scenario, they can introduce security vulnerabilities into your codebase.

Whenever possible, you should avoid creating global variables and instead declare all your variables in a local scope.

//Bad Example
function increaseCounter() {

// Good Example
function increaseCounter() {
  let counter = 0;

By using local variable declarations, you can control the scope and can reduce the chance of runtime errors caused by global variable usage.

Use Template Literals

Template literals are a new feature introduced in ES6 that allows you to create strings that are much easier to read and maintain. They are a much more powerful alternative to the traditional string concatenation approaches used in JavaScript.

The syntax for template literals is quite simple. Instead of using single or double quotes, you can use backticks (`) to enclose your strings. Additionally, with template literals, you can inject values directly into your strings by using the dollar sign and curly braces.

// Old Way
const name = 'John';
const message = 'Hello, my name is ' + name;

// New Way
const name = 'John';
const message = `Hello, my name is ${name}`;

Template literals improve the readability and maintainability of your code by making it easier to create and modify strings. In addition to improving readability, template literals can also result in performance improvements, especially when dealing with large and complex strings.

Keep Your Functions Small and Focused

A best practice in programming is to keep your functions small and focused. It's easy to get carried away and create complex functions that perform multiple tasks, but this can make it harder to debug, maintain, and optimize your code.

As a rule of thumb, you should aim to create functions that perform a single task and take in few parameters. Ideally, your functions should be between five and twenty lines long, depending on their complexity.

By keeping your functions small and focused, you can improve the overall readability and maintainability of your code, minimize the possibility of logical errors, and simplify the debugging process.

Consistently Use Braces

Braces might look inconsequential, but their use can have a significant impact on the quality of your code. Consistency in using braces is key. In JavaScript, braces are used to define code blocks, which includes loops, conditional statements, functions, and more.

While it is a common practice among developers to only use braces when there are multiple expressions in our code blocks, it is recommended to use braces consistently, even when there is only one expression:

// Bad Example:
if(a < b) doSomthing(); 

// Good Example
if (a < b) {

By consistently using braces, we avoid errors and minimize the possibility of introducing bugs to our codebase.

Use Comments to Improve Readability

Comments are useful when we write complex code in JavaScript. Good comments help us to understand the code while explaining the reasoning behind the design decision.

In JavaScript, both single-line and multi-line comments are used. Single-line comments are used within a single line of code, while multi-line comments go across multiple lines.

// This is a single-line comment

This is a

Good comments should start in a clear manner, and follow the whitespace of each line. We should also avoid over-commenting, as doing so can decrease readability.

// Bad Example
// If statement to check if the value of a is greater than b
if (a > b) {
  // Do something here

// Good Example
// Check if a is greater than b
if (a > b) {
  // Action to take if a is greater than b

By using clear and concise comments, you can improve the readability, clarity, and maintainability of your code.


JavaScript is an ever-evolving and popular programming language that requires us to make use of best practices for writing clean, readable, and maintainable code. It is essential to use an approach in which we can create code that is optimized, functional, and organized.

In this article, we've gone through several tips and tricks for writing clean code in JavaScript. First, we enable strict mode to avoid common mistakes, use descriptive names for variables and functions, and use constants for fixed values. Second, we should use arrow functions instead of traditional functions, avoid global variables, and use template literals when creating strings.

Third, keeping our functions small and focused helps in improving code readability, minimizing bugs, and simplifying debugging. Fourth, consistently using braces, and using comments to improve readability and clarity.

With these best practices, we can improve the quality of our code, speed up development time, and make our code easier to read and maintain. Remember, investing in clean code practices, improving the code over time, and consistently revisiting old code, are all essential habits to developing and writing good code.

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